Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Friday!

Saturday (tomorrow) I have a big chore. I have to, absolutely have to clean out my business room. Why you ask? Well, over the winter, it's cold and I moved what I needed to the dining room. Now I have to move it back. But, I've been tossing things in and out all winter. Yeah, you know how it is, out of sight, out of mind. Somewhere in there are they marbles I'm missing.

But, I digress.

Have you seen or tried these Swatch Buddies? I really like them. I have certain fabrics that I adore and use all the time. Think basics (not solids). I just so happen to have an extra 12 piece just for you guys! You know the drill, post how you would use it and share the love with your friends. Sunday night, I'll have Uncle pick a winner (let's say 4pm PST).

Yes, embroidery is back...more to come...


  1. I have seen the swatch buddies and would definetly use them for fabric shopping. I usually snap a photo of the fabrics I have so I can find coordinates. Having real samples would be best. Thanks!!!

  2. I think they'd be a lovely thing to take along to the quilt store to match colours. I find reds hard to match in particular without a swatch

  3. I've never heard of these before! They'd be so useful at quilt shows when fabric shopping and faced with such a huge array of fabrics!

  4. Oooh - and I'm getting ready to go to two quilt shows!!! This would be so useful!! Count me in!!

  5. Can't believe you are giving these away. A friend of mine just told me that I needed to find a way to carry swatches with me when I went fabric shopping. If I don't win, I will have to buy. :)

  6. I would love these. I have fabric at home and always seem to buy more fabric at the store because I don't know if it matches fabric I already have.

  7. These would be so handy to have with me at all times in my purse. You never know when you'll just NEED to stop in the fabric store to get more fabric. When carrying these, at least you'll be able to get something to match what you already own. Thank you for offering this giveaway.
